
Why is it when you’re feeding a small child they can be so skeptical? Most days when I feed Isaac before he will take a bite he scowls, will shy away, doesn’t want to try what I have to give him. Sometimes he spits it out like it’s poison, even if he’s had it before. Then when he realizes that he actually likes it, it indeed isn’t poison, he’ll eat it. After giving him all he needs every day, every meal, more kisses than any child really wants, he still thinks I might feed him poison for lunch. Silly boy.

And then I think about me. I do this. I do it with God every day. I approach Him like there might just be some poison in my day. Life has made me a skeptic (maybe at times cynical). The world is a hard place but the arms of the Father are not. After years of seeing God provide for my every need and loving me unconditionally I still wonder if he’ll spoon me a dose of poison. I may not enjoy the thing He is bringing to my plate, it may not look like what I was hoping for, but it is always what He knows is best. He has my best interest in mind just like I have Isaac’s best interests in mind.

If I always shy away or refuse what God is offering like Isaac does some days with food I just might miss out on a really sweet meal, a sweet opportunity, a sweet blessing. If I refuse to partake I may be forfeiting God’s best for the day. I sure don’t want to do that.

Help me Lord to live this out:

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in him.

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