No Better Way to End the Year

The room was pulsing with energy tonight as we were beginning our last night of our conference. You could feel the excitement of the past 4 days and all that God had been doing. The Emcee’s were bantering and doing our last drawing of the evening. The big give away was a Kindle and the girl who’s name was drawn ran up on stage. They asked her what the highlight of her time at conference had been and she excitedly said, “Today I gave my life to Christ!” The crowd erupted with cheers and we all flew out of our seats in a standing ovation. I don’t think we were the only ones. The heavens have been rejoicing all week for those who have given their lives to Christ.

If you don’t know God in a personal way this may sound so bizarre to you. Let me assure you that it is. It’s bizarre that the God of the universe wants to know and love us, but He does. He never stops pursuing people and drawing them to himself. And the greatest decision any of us can ever make is letting the Creator God into our lives. It deserves a standing ovation.

You couldn’t have staged that tonight. But God in His perfect timing did. What an incredible end to our conference (well almost, we still have to ring in the new year).

Right now I’m actually watching hundreds of college students file up to the stage and pledge to God to Go where you want me to go, Do what you want me to do, Say what you want me to say and Give what you want me to. It’s hard not to be moved to tears and overflow with gratitude that this is my job. I get to be a small part of this. And it’s all because about 15 years ago I too made that pledge at a Cru Conference and meant it. I pledged to go, do, say and give what God would ask of me and it’s been so worth it. Thank you God for pursuing me!

I love ending and beginning my year in this way. What a blessing. Now, I have to go. There are over 500 college students excited to dance and sing in the new year. I have to join them (if I can make it until midnight that is).


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