
I flipped through past photo books last night, my babies years literally passing before my eyes. Cute baby smiles, squishy cheeks, pages of Jenna as a little princess and Isaac growing into a little man way too quickly. How does the time seem to slip away so quickly?

Tonight as I sat on the couch with Isaac he said, “I’m sad because I’m going to miss you tomorrow.” Oh those sweet words melted my aching heart. My sweet boy is heading off to kindergarten. On one hand I’m so excited I could do backflips (don’t judge me). The thought of working without entertaining a child, the time to go work-out, grocery shopping without being bumped in the heels with a cart or whining for something. But oh, the other side of my mama heart is tearing straight out of my chest. No more little partners by my side all day, no more mini shopping cart next to my big one in the store, no more Candy Land at 10 am or music hour at the local cafe for me and my little guy. My babies are, well, no longer babies.

These milestones are always more emotional when it’s the last of one of them. I only have two kiddos and this was the last day of having kids at home all day. There were days that I thought it would never come and now that it’s here it seems impossible to believe. I say it all the time, the days are long and the years are short. That sentiment rings more true every day.

The principal sent a letter to the parents saying to hold your tears for after you drop your kids off. Oh man, I sure hope I’m not that mom. Tonight I prayed that they would know they are loved, be filled with peace, that they would be brave, and that they would have a great day tomorrow. Now, to go forth and lead by example; Walk through this new door confident of God’s love and care for us all, be brave in the midst of new territory and have a great day celebrating that I have a 4th grader and a kindergartner.

But for tonight, I cry and eat chocolate.

2015 open house collage

(This was taken today at their school open house)


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