Baby Buns

Okay people, I said that I would never use cloth diapers and wouldn’t even consider it with Jenna. But then we moved to Portland. Never say never. I felt like I had to consider it or be hung in a tree in a park here. And I think they’re popular right now so it made it easier to consider it. All that to say, we are using cloth diapers this time around. Cost played a big part in my decision making. I knew because we were going to be buying formula I wanted to save on diapers.

Once I started doing research I had a hard time deciding which diaper to choose. Gdiapers, Happy Heinys, FuzziBunz, bumGenius, Bumkins, etc. How cute are all those names anyway?! Who knew baby bums were such big business?!

So I chose to go with bumGenius 4.0 and I love them. Here’s my evaluation of them in case you’re curious.

  • They are cheaper when you buy them in bundles of 6 or 12. I have already saved money on what I would be paying for disposables.
  • They are so soft.
  • They’re easy to wash although a little overwhelming at first.
  • I love the snaps as opposed to the velcro. I like that I don’t have to worry about the velcro sticking in the wash.
  • They are cute and colorful.
  • I don’t love scraping poo off of them but with formula they poo way less often and they make flushable liners that are great to use for that purpose.
  • I tried the 3.0 and I much prefer the 4.0. They dry way faster and they’re softer.
  • They are adjustable so they should last until they’re potty trained. (although my son is so big that I’m pretty sure that won’t be happening.)
  • If we had energy saving washer/dryer we would be saving even more money.
  • They aren’t as quick as disposable because they need to be washed but we take out waaaaay less trash this way.

I have tried the gdiapers and the happy heinys and I still prefer the bumGenius. So those are my thoughts on cloth diapering for now. Feel free to ask questions if you have any. Love to you all who are taking care of baby buns out there.

1 thought on “Baby Buns”

  1. Jody,

    So happy for you! I love my cloth diapers for many of the same reasons you do! I was scared at first too, but have found they’re awesome! For the poo, consider plumbing a sink prayer into your toilet. It’s quick and cheap! Your Isaac is so handsome, and I love Jenna’s wit!


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